Private Practice of Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, and Clinical Supervision

The above quote is a beautiful and true idea that frames the way I think about the therapeutic process, and references the psychoanalytic training that has been the foundation of my work with patients.
People seek therapy because they are suffering. Their pain may be acute or blunt, recent or long standing, and may take the form of confusion, indecision, anxiety, fear, grief, sadness, or guilt. It is not uncommon to wait until the situation feels overwhelming, and the process of finding a trusted clinician can be daunting.
Each person who seeks the help of a mental health professional comes with skills and strengths to be built upon, and vulnerabilities to be understood and transformed. Undertaking therapy is an act of courage, in the midst of pain. It is through the examination and reworking of vulnerabilities, in a therapeutic relationship with a skilled therapist, that transformation can unfold. My work with patients is insight-oriented, and begins with a thorough understanding of current issues in the context of a person’s unique history and life story.